
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

7 Risk Factors for Persistent Stuttering and 7 Factors Associated with Spontaneous Recovery

It's amazing to learn that 50-75% of children who exhibit early stuttering will recover without direct intervention. Spontaneous recovery usually occurs within one year of onset. If you have a child who is exhibiting disfluncies, here are the factors that will help you determine if intervention is required:
7 Risk Factors for Persistent Stuttering:
1) Greater than 60% of child’s speech is dysfluent
2) Dysfluencies persist longer than 12-18 months after their onset.
3) Family History of stuttering: Almost 50% of people who stutter have a family history of stuttering
4) Sensitive temperament or negative reaction to dysfluencies (awareness of stuttering).
5) Concomitant speech and language difficulties or advanced language skills.
6) Late onset (after 3 years of age).
7) Gender: Male
7 Factors Associated with Spontaneous Recovery:
1) Early onset of dysfluencies (before age 3).
2) Typical speech and language skills
3) Decrease in dysfluencies during the 12 month period following onset.
4)Less than 50% of child’s speech is dysfluent.
5) Gender: Female
6) No family history of stuttering, or relatives who have recovered from stuttering.
7) Outgoing and carefree temperament.


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